1. Parties
1.1 Seller
siterobot.io - Sistem Robotik Yazılım Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi
1.2 Buyer
This distance sales agreement (here in after referred to as the Agreement), the following attributes and selling price of the product which is set -related consumer protection Law 4077 and Distance Contracts in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for identifying the rights and obligations of the parties.
3. Service Information:
This agreement shall be subject to the product; costs for sales, delivery and payment patterns, the product information is as follows:
Price (Taxes included):
4. General Conditions
4.1 The seller who opens a listing on siterobot.io accepts, that he/she comprehends the conditions above mentioned about listing features and pricing.
4.2 The seller who opens a listing on siterobot.io accepts, it is not possible to use revocation right de facto basing on Distance Contract Regulation No 25866 dated March 06 article 7, and that he/she is aware of item f on the Distance Contract Regulation No 25866 dated March 06 article 7 which is noted 'thecontracts related with electronically instant services and goods delivered to consumers immediately' are not subject to the regulations related with revocation rights.
4.3 Parties accept, declare and commit that they accept the Consumer Protection Law No 7 and they will obey all regulations related with Consumer Protection Law No 7
4.4 All items of this contract has been read and is accepted by the seller and buyer, this contarct shall become effective on the date approved by the buyer electronically.
4.5 Parties accept , declare and commit that the seller has the responsibility resulting from the delivery of website, siterobot.io has no responsibility and obligation resulting from the contract between the seller and the buyer.
4.6 This contract between buyer and seller does not remove their obligations arising from siterobot.io terms conditions.. The parties are obliged to comply the rules and siterobot.io terms and conditions.
5. Revocation Right
Basing on Distance contract regulation, for electronically instant services and goods delivered to consumers immediately, the buyer does not have right of revocation. Buyers don’t have right of revocation for purchasing website, domain name, internet project, internet application, other software products on siterobot.io.
If there is an ongoing siterobot.io escrow process for website, domain, internet project, internet application, other software products is not appropriate or specified in implementing the features of the product, etc. Buyers may stop the sale process basing on the rule specified in paragraph 5.1.1 of item d of siterobot.io terms and conditions. The buyer has to inform siterobot.io in the period that is specified in paragraph 5.1.1 of item d of siterobot.io terms and conditions
6. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
In the application, the interpretation of the Sale Agreement and governance legal relations of Distance that arise within its provisions, Turkish Republic Laws and Legislation shall be applied. Any dispute arising or to be arised from Terms & Conditions is entrusted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Enforcement Offices of Bursa.
This agreement was established on 12 March 2025, Wednesday.
siterobot.io - Sistem Robotik Yazılım Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi