How to set up a Minecraft Server on a Linux server

13 October 2015, Tuesday 0 Comments

When choosing your server, be sure that it has (at a minimum) 1GB of RAM, preferably at least 2GB. Ubuntu Linux is recommended. 

The first thing you need to do is to connect to your server through SSH. If you are on a mac, you can open up Terminal, or if you are on a PC, you can connect with PuTTY.

We recommend that you can access your servers where ever you want via Terminal.

1. Install the Requirements

Before going further, we should run a quick update on apt-get, the program through which we will download all of the server requirements.

sudo apt-get update

After that, we need to be sure that Java is installed on our server. Download java through apt-get:

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

You also need to supply your server with Screen which will keep your server running if you drop the connection:

sudo apt-get install screen

2. Install the Minecraft Server

Start off by creating a new directory where you will store the Minecraft files:

mkdir minecraft

Once the directory is created, switch into it:

cd minecraft

Within that directory, download the Minecraft server software:

wget -O minecraft_server.jar

Install minecraft (Agreeing EULA policy):

java -jar minecraft_server.jar && echo "eula=true" > eula.txt

Run Minecraft Server with command shown in below (It tooks up to 30 sec):

screen -dmS minecraft java -Xms450M -Xmx450M -jar ~/minecraft/minecraft_server.jar nogui

Performance note: If your server has more than 2 GB ram, you can incrase the memory amount you give to minecraft. To make this, run your minecraft server as the following code. Eg: If you want to give 1 GB ram, you should write 1024M:

screen -dmS minecraft java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar ~/minecraft/minecraft_server.jar nogui

Your Minecraft server is now all set up!

To stop Minecraft Server:

screen -S minecraft -X quit

You can change the settings of your server by opening up the server properties file:

 nano ~/minecraft/

To connect your Minecraft Server, you should get your Public IP:

Info: Minecraft port: 25565

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