How to make WHM & cPanel configuration

20 October 2015, Tuesday 0 Comments

Note: If you haven't installed cPanel & WHM on your server yet, you may follow How to install WHM & cPanel on CentOS 6 Linux server to learn how to install cPanel & WHM on Linux CentOs server.

After you have done your cPanel & WHM installation on your server, you may access your control panel via https://youripaddress:2087 address. You should make some configuration for your first run. We will show you how to make your first configuration in 6 steps easily.

1. Step

First of all, cPanel & WHM license policy will shown up to you. You must read and approve that. To approve and continue, click "I Agree/Go to Step 2" button.

2. Step

Enter administrator personal information. There are 3 required parts in here. Email, hostname and resolver info. Its enough to enter these 3 info. Rest of all may be entered from control panel in the future.

Write your email to the email part. For hostname part, you should enter your server's hostname. If you don't know, you may enter like is recommended.

To resolvers part, enter this:

Primary resolver:
Secondary resolver:

Let's click "Save & Go to Step 3" button and continue.

3. Step

This is the part that you can enter your additional IP addresses. Also you can enter additional IP in the future from control panel. Click "Go to Step 4" button and continue to next step.

4. Step

You must enter nameserver information. You can enter like this:


And then, you should enter Public IP addresses that matches with these nameservers:

ns1.alanadını youripaddress
ns2.alanadını youripaddress

Write server's public ip address to IP for Entry also.

Check Add "A Entries" for all nameservers and Add "A Entries" for Hostname boxes and click to "Save & Go to Step 5" to continue.

5. Step

In this step, there are some standard process. Click. "Save & Go To Step 6" button and continue to last step.

6. Step

In last step, click  "Finish Setup Wizard" and finish the wizard.

Congratulations! You have done cPanel & WHM first run configuration.

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