At the begining, lets add a new user. We will connect our server with this user.
sudo adduser <username>
We should set a password to our new user. While setting a new password; the caracters that are pressed are now shown in the screen while setting a new password. But don't worry. It will work. Just enter your password and hit return. Then re-type your password and hit return again. That's it.
sudo passwd <username>
To give root privileges to users, we should modify sudoers file and append our new user.
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
Just after open this file, find the root ALL=(ALL) ALL line and put indicator to the next line. Write your new users just like the line above. This should looks like this:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL <username> ALL=(ALL) ALL
From now on, you can connect to your server via SSH without .pem file. To grant root privileges, write "sudo su".